Category: Uncategorized

Collective Bargaining Agreement Finalized for  Waterloo Commons  Store 

Sherwood Park, Alberta Partners Vote to Decertify   

Starbucks Canada Partners in Owen Sound, ON Vote No to Unionizing  

B.C. Labour Relations Board Rules in Starbucks Favour; Dismisses United Steelworkers Complaint

B.C. Labour Relations Board Rules in Starbucks Favour; Dismisses Unfair Labour Practice Complaint 

Clayton Crossing Store Partners Apply for Decertification from Union 

Starbucks Canada raises the bar with industry-leading benefits and additional investments to further enhance the retail partner experience

Starbucks Canada reaches a collective bargaining agreement with the United Steelworkers in Sherwood Park, AB 

Starbucks Canada introduces new Partner Choice benefit for greater flexibility and personalization

Starbucks Canada reaches a collective bargaining agreement with the United Steelworkers in Calgary, AB